Biographical Information Publications Conference Presentations Course Web Sites Email Listservs

Loretta Kasper's
Conference and Workshop Presentations

Conference and Workshop Presentations

Kasper, Loretta F. "The Role of Hypertext in Developing ESL Students' Reading Skills." Presented at the 1st International Online Conference on Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Research - September 2004.

Kasper, Loretta F. and Saundra Tara Weiss. "Enhancing Literacy and Promoting ESL Learner Autonomy through Content-Based Interclass Collaboration." Presented at the 1st International Online Conference on Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Research - September 2004.

Presenter: Teaching Online in Higher Education Conference.
Topic: "Technology-Enhanced, Sustained Content Study and the Development of Multiliterate ESL Learners," November 13-14, 2000. [Online]. Available:

Presenter: KCC English Department Faculty Development Workshop. Topic: "Getting Your Work Published," May 23, 2000.

Presenter: TCC Online Conference.
Topic: "Collaborating at a Distance: ESL Students and Academic Learning Communities," April 12-14, 2000.

Presenter: KCC ESL College Now Workshop.
Topic: "Using the Internet in Content-Based Instruction," April 10, 2000.

Presenter: KCC ESL Workshop.
Topic: "Using Computers to Support Content-Based Instruction," November 9, 1999.
Web Page: The ESL 91 Home Page

Presenter: Teaching Online in Higher Education Conference.
Topic: "Collaborating at a Distance: ESL Students as Members of Academic Learning Communities," November 8-9, 1999.

Presenter: College Now Workshop
Topic: "Using Computers to Teach Writing Across the Curriculum," November 2, 1999.
Web page: Using Computers to Teach Writing Across the Curriculum

Presenter: NJTESOL-BE Spring Conference. East Brunswick, NJ
Topic: "The Internet and Content-Based Instruction," May 26-27, 1999.

Presenter: TCC Online Conference.
Topic: "Defining Literacy in the Age of Information: Implications for the ESL Classroom," April 7-9, 1999. [Online]. Available:

Presenter: TESOL International. New York City, NY
Topic: "Incorporating the Internet into content-based instruction." March 9-13, 1999. [Online]. Available:

Presenter: WebNet 98. Orlando, FL.
Topic: "Focus Discipline Research and the Internet: Keys to Academic Literacy for At-Risk College Students." November 7-12, 1998. [Online]. Available:

Presenter: League for Innovation in the Community College: Conference on Information Technology. Miami Beach, FL.
Topic: "Technology and Sustained Content Study in the College ESL Course," November 1-4, 1998.

Presenter: Fourth Annual Mid-Atlantic College Conference: Teaching, Learning, and Managing with Technology.
Topic: "Focus Discipline Research and the Internet: Paths to Critical Literacy," October 16, 1998. Conference handout available at:

Presenter: Online Conference on Rhetoric and Technology in the New Millennium.
Topic: "ESL and the Internet: Content, Rhetoric, and Research," June 15-30, 1998.

Session Chair: International Reading Association Conference. Orlando, FL. May 3-8, 1998.

Invited Presenter: Conference on the Role of the Imagination in Language Learning.
Topic: "Film in the Teaching of Writing," April 24, 1998.

Presenter: TCC Online Conference.
Topic: "Interdisciplinary English and the Internet: Technology Meets Content in the ESL Course," April 7-9, 1998. [Online]. Available:

Invited Presenter: ESL for the 21st Century.
Topic: "Writing, Metacognition, and Computer Technology in the Discipline-Based ESL Course," October 18, 1997.

Presenter: NJTESOL-BE, Inc.
Topic: "Metacognitive Growth and ESL Writing Performance," May 22, 1997.

Invited Presenter: Conference on the Role of the Imagination in Language Learning.
Topic: "Expanding ESL Students' English Language Literacy through the Use of Written and Film Texts," April 18, 1997.

Presenter: TESOL International Conference.
Topic: "Assessing the Long-Term Effects of Content-Based Instruction," March 11-15, 1997.

Presenter: CUNY Association of Writing Supervisors.
Topic: "Metacognitive Growth and Writing Identity: Keys to Improved ESL Writing," October 25, 1996.

Presenter: KCC College Now.
Topic: "Metacognition: The Autobiographical Experience in the Writing Class," October 21, 1996.

Presenter: NJTESOL-BE, Inc.
Topic: "Assessing the Impact of Content-Based Instruction: A Follow-Up Study," May 22-23, 1996.

Presenter: KCC English Department Faculty Development Workshop.
Topic: "Writing to Read: Enhancing Students' Reading Proficiency through Written Response to Text," April 29, 1996.

Invited Speaker: Conference on the Role of the Imagination in Language Learning.
Topic: "Imagining One's Way to Better Writing: Enhancing ESL Students' Metacognitive Models", April 19, 1996.

Presenter: CUNY Association of Reading Educators Conference.
Topic: "Enhancing ESL Students' Reading Proficiency through Written Response to Content-Based Texts", November 10, 1995.

Presenter: NJTESOL-BE, Inc.
Topic: "Writing to Read: Using Writing in the Content-Based Reading Class", May 17, 1995.

Invited Speaker: Conference on the Role of the Imagination in Language Learning.
Topic: "Using Audiovisuals as an Aid to Comprehension in the Content-Based ESL Reading Course", April 28, 1995.

Invited Speaker: KCC ESL College Now.
Topic: "Student Writing: Reader and Response", April 6, 1995.

Participant: Second Annual Conference of the Resource Center for Language Minority Students/Kean College.
Topic: "Working with the ESL Student in the Higher Education Classroom: A Primer of Hands-on How To's," October 1, 1994.

Presenter: NJTESOL-BE Inc.
Topic: "Incorporating Academic Content into the ESL Reading Class", May 19, 1994.

Invited speaker: Conference on the Role of the Imagination in Second Language Acquisition.
Topic: "Using Songs to Introduce Poetry to ESL Students", April 22, 1994.

Kingsborough representative: CUNY Association of Reading Educators Round Table Discussion
Topic: "Reading Instruction, Innovations, and Program Developments on the CUNY Campuses", December 3, 1993.

Presenter (with Barbara Petrello): KCC English Department Faculty Development Workshop.
Topic: "Responding to Student Writing," November 18, 1993.

Presenter (with Barbara Petrello): CUNY CAWS Conference.
Topic: "A Nonjudgmental Approach to ESL Students' Writing", October 22, 1993.

Invited Speaker: KCC College Now.
Topic: "Reading/Writing Theory and the Contemporary Classroom", October 4, 1993.

Presenter: F.Y.I. Workshop on Pairing and Block Programs, KCC.
Topic: "The Benefits of Pairing", September 7, 1993.

Presenter: NYS Council on Languages Conference.
Topic: "Improving Reading Performance for ESL Students Through Academic Pairing", May 22, 1993.

Presenter: NYS Council on Languages Conference.
Topic: "Strategies for Integrating Content Area Material into the ESL Class", May 22, 1993.

Presenter: NJTESOL-BE, Inc.
Topic: "The Poetry of Song: Using Songs in the ESL Class", May 20, 1993.

Invited participant: CUNY Conference: "Language Across the Curriculum: Strategies for Mainstreaming ESL Students", May 7, 1993.

Presenter: CUNY Association of Reading Educators.
Topic: "Content-Based Reading Courses for ESL Students", April 30, 1993.

Invited participant: CUNY Conference: "ESL Students in the CUNY Classroom: Faculty Strategies for Success", February 5, 1993.

Page last updated on June 6, 2005