Biographical Information | Publications | Conference Presentations | Course Web Sites | Email Listservs |
Kasper, Loretta F. "The Role of Hypertext in Developing ESL Students' Reading Skills." Presented at the 1st International Online Conference on Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Research - September 2004.
Kasper, Loretta F. and Saundra Tara Weiss. "Enhancing Literacy and Promoting ESL Learner Autonomy through Content-Based Interclass Collaboration." Presented at the 1st International Online Conference on Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Research - September 2004.
Presenter: Teaching Online in Higher Education Conference.
Topic: "Technology-Enhanced, Sustained Content Study and the Development of Multiliterate ESL Learners," November 13-14, 2000. [Online]. Available:
Presenter: KCC English Department Faculty Development Workshop. Topic: "Getting Your Work Published," May 23, 2000.
Presenter: TCC Online Conference.
Topic: "Collaborating at a Distance: ESL Students and Academic Learning
Communities," April 12-14, 2000.
Presenter: KCC ESL College Now Workshop.
Topic: "Using the Internet in Content-Based Instruction," April 10, 2000.
Presenter: KCC ESL Workshop.
Topic: "Using Computers to Support Content-Based Instruction," November 9,
Web Page: The ESL 91 Home Page
Presenter: Teaching Online in Higher Education Conference.
Topic: "Collaborating at a Distance: ESL Students as Members of Academic
Learning Communities," November 8-9, 1999.
Presenter: College Now Workshop
Topic: "Using Computers to Teach Writing Across the Curriculum," November
2, 1999.
Web page: Using Computers
to Teach Writing Across the Curriculum
Presenter: NJTESOL-BE Spring Conference. East Brunswick, NJ
Topic: "The Internet and Content-Based Instruction," May 26-27, 1999.
Presenter: TCC Online Conference.
Topic: "Defining Literacy in the Age of Information: Implications for the
ESL Classroom," April 7-9, 1999. [Online]. Available:
Presenter: TESOL International. New York City, NY
Topic: "Incorporating the Internet into content-based instruction." March
9-13, 1999. [Online]. Available:
Presenter: WebNet 98. Orlando, FL.
Topic: "Focus Discipline Research and the Internet: Keys to Academic Literacy
for At-Risk College Students." November 7-12, 1998. [Online]. Available:
Presenter: League for Innovation in the Community College: Conference on
Information Technology. Miami Beach, FL.
Topic: "Technology and Sustained Content Study in the College ESL Course,"
November 1-4, 1998.
Presenter: Fourth Annual Mid-Atlantic College Conference: Teaching, Learning,
and Managing with Technology.
Topic: "Focus Discipline Research and the Internet: Paths to Critical Literacy,"
October 16, 1998. Conference handout available at:
Presenter: Online Conference on Rhetoric and Technology in the New
Topic: "ESL and the Internet: Content, Rhetoric, and Research," June 15-30,
Session Chair: International Reading Association Conference. Orlando, FL.
May 3-8, 1998.
Invited Presenter: Conference on the Role of the Imagination in Language
Topic: "Film in the Teaching of Writing," April 24, 1998.
Presenter: TCC Online Conference.
Topic: "Interdisciplinary English and the Internet: Technology Meets Content
in the ESL Course," April 7-9, 1998. [Online]. Available:
Invited Presenter: ESL for the 21st Century.
Topic: "Writing, Metacognition, and Computer Technology in the Discipline-Based
ESL Course," October 18, 1997.
Presenter: NJTESOL-BE, Inc.
Topic: "Metacognitive Growth and ESL Writing Performance," May 22, 1997.
Invited Presenter: Conference on the Role of the Imagination in Language
Topic: "Expanding ESL Students' English Language Literacy through the Use
of Written and Film Texts," April 18, 1997.
Presenter: TESOL International Conference.
Topic: "Assessing the Long-Term Effects of Content-Based Instruction," March
11-15, 1997.
Presenter: CUNY Association of Writing Supervisors.
Topic: "Metacognitive Growth and Writing Identity: Keys to Improved ESL Writing,"
October 25, 1996.
Presenter: KCC College Now.
Topic: "Metacognition: The Autobiographical Experience in the Writing Class,"
October 21, 1996.
Presenter: NJTESOL-BE, Inc.
Topic: "Assessing the Impact of Content-Based Instruction: A Follow-Up Study,"
May 22-23, 1996.
Presenter: KCC English Department Faculty Development Workshop.
Topic: "Writing to Read: Enhancing Students' Reading Proficiency through
Written Response to Text," April 29, 1996.
Invited Speaker: Conference on the Role of the Imagination in Language Learning.
Topic: "Imagining One's Way to Better Writing: Enhancing ESL Students'
Metacognitive Models", April 19, 1996.
Presenter: CUNY Association of Reading Educators Conference.
Topic: "Enhancing ESL Students' Reading Proficiency through Written Response
to Content-Based Texts", November 10, 1995.
Presenter: NJTESOL-BE, Inc.
Topic: "Writing to Read: Using Writing in the Content-Based Reading Class",
May 17, 1995.
Invited Speaker: Conference on the Role of the Imagination in Language Learning.
Topic: "Using Audiovisuals as an Aid to Comprehension in the Content-Based
ESL Reading Course", April 28, 1995.
Invited Speaker: KCC ESL College Now.
Topic: "Student Writing: Reader and Response", April 6, 1995.
Participant: Second Annual Conference of the Resource Center for Language
Minority Students/Kean College.
Topic: "Working with the ESL Student in the Higher Education Classroom: A
Primer of Hands-on How To's," October 1, 1994.
Presenter: NJTESOL-BE Inc.
Topic: "Incorporating Academic Content into the ESL Reading Class", May 19,
Invited speaker: Conference on the Role of the Imagination in Second Language
Topic: "Using Songs to Introduce Poetry to ESL Students", April 22, 1994.
Kingsborough representative: CUNY Association of Reading Educators Round
Table Discussion
Topic: "Reading Instruction, Innovations, and Program Developments on the
CUNY Campuses", December 3, 1993.
Presenter (with Barbara Petrello): KCC English Department Faculty Development
Topic: "Responding to Student Writing," November 18, 1993.
Presenter (with Barbara Petrello): CUNY CAWS Conference.
Topic: "A Nonjudgmental Approach to ESL Students' Writing", October 22,
Invited Speaker: KCC College Now.
Topic: "Reading/Writing Theory and the Contemporary Classroom", October 4,
Presenter: F.Y.I. Workshop on Pairing and Block Programs, KCC.
Topic: "The Benefits of Pairing", September 7, 1993.
Presenter: NYS Council on Languages Conference.
Topic: "Improving Reading Performance for ESL Students Through Academic Pairing",
May 22, 1993.
Presenter: NYS Council on Languages Conference.
Topic: "Strategies for Integrating Content Area Material into the ESL Class",
May 22, 1993.
Presenter: NJTESOL-BE, Inc.
Topic: "The Poetry of Song: Using Songs in the ESL Class", May 20, 1993.
Invited participant: CUNY Conference: "Language Across the Curriculum: Strategies
for Mainstreaming ESL Students", May 7, 1993.
Presenter: CUNY Association of Reading Educators.
Topic: "Content-Based Reading Courses for ESL Students", April 30, 1993.
Invited participant: CUNY Conference: "ESL Students in the CUNY Classroom:
Faculty Strategies for Success", February 5, 1993.